Saturday, August 06, 2005

Birthday blues

turning 25 is no easy joke ! ... yes, actually it was not funny at all, i turned 25 a few days ago , im too lazy , so im blogging a few days after.

KB was telling me , " Dei ! Its your Silver Jubilee !" . Yes, i am not a boy any more ! This means so many things ... none of which i like the look of. The b'day as such was a wierd day. I really had no hopes of enjoying the day , something in me thought it'll be a good time to look back ..oh yeah ! at what ?? I havent anything to show for these years , other than some raging hormones, a few meaningless degrees, various electronic gadgets, some debt , few friends and a confused mind!

Every birthday wish was just bouncing off my head . The "growing up" has been stuffed down my throat ! When i shall look back 25 years later,i wonder what there will be to see.


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